Hudini is an innovative tech brand that aims to digitally transform the hospitality industry into a seamless and contactless world of services and unique experiences. They build easy-to-deploy software that curates intelligent data sets allowing hotels to hyper-personalize the overall experience and opening multiple revenue avenues. We had primarily taken up their social media content creation as well as marketing channel management. With thought-provoking content and innovative designs, we helped them propel their propositions across the digital space.

Udaan Internal Communications
Solving trade problems for small businesses and medium businesses (kirana stores etc), udaan resonates with the India-fit low-cost business model by anchoring technology in their favour and delivering the benefits of E-commerce to them. They are the epitome of a one-stop shop for all requirements in the b2b space. We undertake the full gamut of digital services for both their internal and external communications. In the case of internals, we shed light on vendor testimonials, case studies, and success stories, all of which we leverage for brand awareness.

Booker Wholesale
Booker Wholesale, a Cash & Carry trading store that functions under TATA Enterprises & Trent Limited, are a b2b service that provides the best choice, price and service to Kirana Stores, traders, hotels, restaurants, caterers and small businesses. They are invested in by Tesco PLC and have partnerships with brands like Westside, Zudio, Star Market, Landmark Limited etc. At the tree, we were happy to have created a social media identity for the brand by setting certain guidelines and strategies in place for its communication approach.

Sensiable is an IOT-based company based in Bangalore that focuses on enhancing efficiency while enriching everybody’s wellness within a commercial or professional space. Their patented technology primarily achieves this by enabling organisations to run on real-time data and actionable insights into people, space and energy, be it that of your workforce or your targeted footfalls at your establishment. We were happy to be on board this sensible journey and helped the start-up redefine its website.

Anscer Robotics
Anscer Robotics are a brand that democratizes robotics to elevate the human experience and help businesses deal with the unforeseen challenges of the pandemic by making intelligent automation accessible to companies of all sizes. We were proud to be a part of their journey in identifying their overall brand identity by creating a brand book that encompasses everything.